Finestkind Parents Guide Finestkind is a 2023 American crime thriller drama film written and directed by Brian Helgeland. It stars Ben Foster, Toby Wallace, Jenna Ortega, and Tommy Lee Jones and is produced by Gary Foster, Russ Krasnoff, Taylor Sheridan, and David C. Glasser. Name Finestkind Genre Crime Thriller Drama Release Date December 7, 2023 […]
American crime thriller film
Transfusion (2023)
Transfusion Parents Guide Transfusion is a 2023 American Crime Thriller film. The film is directed and written by Matt Nable, Who is also the director of Poker Face and The Dry. Sam Worthington, Phoebe Tonkin, Matt Nable, and Susie Porter are the top four cast of Transfusion. Transfusion Parents Guide and Age Rating are something […]
The Commando (2022)
The Commando Parents Guide The Commando is an upcoming American crime thriller film written by Asif Akbar, Al Bravo, Koji Steven Sakai, and directed by Asif Akbar. It is produced by Elias Axume, Al Bravo, Koji Steven Sakai, Philip Tan. The film is distributed by Saban Films. However, the production companies are Al Bravo Films, […]
Two Deaths of Henry Baker (2022)
Two Deaths of Henry Baker Parents Guide Two Deaths of Henry Baker is an upcoming American crime thriller film written by Sebastian Pigott and directed by Felipe Mucci. It is produced by Hayden Baptiste, Andrew C. Erin, Bonnie Zipursky. The film is distributed by Saban Films. However, the production companies are Fireside Pictures, MarVista Entertainment, […]
This Game’s Called Murder (2021)
This Game’s Called Murder Parents Guide | This Game’s Called Murder Age Rating This Game’s Called Murder is an upcoming American crime thriller film written and directed by Adam Sherman. It is produced by Paul-Edouard Laurens, Hagai Shaham, Adam Sherman. The film is distributed by Cranked Up Films, Good Deed Entertainment, Premiere Entertainment Group, levelFILM. […]
Double Walker (2021)
Double Walker Parents Guide | Double Walker Age Rating Double Walker is an upcoming American crime thriller film written and produced by Sylvie Mix and directed by Colin West. The film is distributed by Good Deed Entertainment, levelFILM. However, the production company is Sub Sequential Pictures. The movie Double Walker is not rated yet but […]
Night Teeth (2021)
Night Teeth Parents Guide Night Teeth is an upcoming American crime thriller film written by Brent Dillon and directed by Adam Randall. It is produced by Vincent Gatewood, Charles Morrison, Ben Pugh. The film is distributed by Netflix. However, the production companies are Unique Features, 42. Night Teeth Age Rating The movie Night Teeth is […]
The Guilty (2021)
The Guilty Parents Guide The Guilty is an upcoming American crime thriller film directed and co-produced by Antoine Fuqua. It is a remake of the 2018 Danish film of the same name. The film is distributed by Netflix. However, the production companies are Amet Entertainment, Nine Stories Productions, Fuqua Films. The Guilty Age Rating The movie The Guilty is rated […]
Intrusion (2021)
Intrusion Parents Guide Intrusion is an upcoming American crime thriller film written and directed by Brad Grimm. It is produced by Jessica Drennan, Brooke Loonan, Erica R. Sperber. The film is distributed by Netflix. However, the production company is FireFly Films. Intrusion Age Rating The movie Intrusion is rated TV-14 for Strong Violence. Some shown content […]
The Gateway (2021)
The Gateway Parents Guide | The Gateway Age Rating The Gateway is an upcoming American crime thriller film directed by Michele Civetta and starring Shea Whigham, Olivia Munn, and Frank Grillo. It is produced by Andrew Levitas, Stephen Israel. The film is distributed by Lionsgate. The production company is Metalwork Pictures. The Gateway is rated R for strong violence, pervasive language, drug […]