These Violent Delights (Book 1)

These Violent Delights Age Rating and Parents Guide (Book 1)
These Violent Delights Age Rating and Parents Guide (Book 1)

These Violent Delights Parents Guide and Age Rating

These Violent Delights is a fantasy fiction book is a retelling of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet written by Chloe Gong. This is the first book of the series and the second book is Our Violent Ends.

Perfect for fans of The Last Magician and Serpent & Dove, this heart-stopping debut is an imaginative Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai, with rival gangs and a monster in the depths of the Huangpu River.

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Book Name These Violent Delights
Author Chloe Gong
Series These Violent Delights #1
Genre Fantasy, Fiction
Age Rating 14+
Language English
Date of Publication November 17th, 2020
No. of Page 464
Publisher Margaret K. McElderry Books
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These Violent Delights Age Rating

These Violent Delights rated 14 and up as it contains severe graphic violence throughout.

These Violent Delights Parents Guide

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There is some sexual content.
A couple of kissing scenes, one of which describes tongue and teeth.
One mentions a man with his pants down and a woman in bed.
LGBT representation. One character is attracted to the same sex, and a conversation strongly implies that another is transgender.
Severe violence throughout which is a bit graphic at times.  Gory descriptions of people tearing their own throats out. 
Violence includes shootings, stabbings, fistfights, attempted drowning, and threats.
Blood and pain from injuries are described briefly.
Insects feeding on people’s brains, people tearing their own throats out, which can be slightly disgusting.
There is a description of a procedure where mentions pulling brain tissue out.
Strong language and profanity used words f**k, s**t, as*, hell, dammit, piss, whoring.
A couple of descriptions of taking alcohol and smoking.
The opium-like drug is introduced they also buy and sell opium.


These Violent Delights Official Storyline

The year is 1926, and Shanghai hums to the tune of debauchery.

A blood feud between two gangs runs the streets red, leaving the city helpless in the grip of chaos. At the heart of it all is eighteen-year-old Juliette Cai, a former flapper who has returned to assume her role as the proud heir of the Scarlet Gang—a network of criminals far above the law. Their only rivals in power are the White Flowers, who have fought the Scarlets for generations. And behind every move is their heir, Roma Montagov, Juliette’s first loveâ€Ĥand first betrayal.

But when gangsters on both sides show signs of instability culminating in clawing their own throats out, the people start to whisper. Of a contagion, a madness. Of a monster in the shadows. As the deaths stack up, Juliette and Roma must set their guns—and grudges—aside and work together, for if they can’t stop this mayhem, then there will be no city left for either to rule. (Publishers)

“You destroy me and then you kiss me. You give me a reason to hat you and then you give me a reason to love you. Is this a lie or the truth? Is the a ploy or your heart reaching for me?”
― Chloe Gong, These Violent Delights

These Violent Delights Trailer

“This is why my betrayal was so terrible. Because you believed me incapable of hurting you, and yet I did.”
― Chloe Gong, These Violent Delights

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