Revealing the whole story by The Wheels of Time Trailer 2
Revealing the whole story by The Wheels of Time Trailer 2

Revealing the whole story by The Wheel of Time Trailer 2 Breakdown

This trailer focuses on the quest of Moiraine’s for the Dragon Reborn, and it is setting up the fateful battle against the Dark One himself.

Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time is coming on Amazon Prime, and here are all the major parts of the story taken from the second trailer. Robert Jordan is the legendary author, and he plants this to be a six-book series, but it came around to become one of the greatest franchises of his life.

“Let’s just talk some more about The Wheel of Time fantasy World release.”

While working on the final book, Jordan passed away in 2007, and it fell to Brandon Sanderson – who had become a writer because of Jordan’s inspiration to complete this story as an owner. His only motivation is Robert Jordan.

Now Wheel of Time is becoming a big bang TV series for Amazon Prime, joining the ranks of other shows having epic stories like Dune and Foundation that had previously been thought to be impossible to adapt anyways.

This series giving the view was the treaty of the well-thought-out fantasy that is worlds ever created.  Amazon truly believes this is the right time, with Game of Thrones leaving a gap in the epic fantasy market.

Trailers for Wheel of Time have stressed the depth of world-building, offering full-fledged glimpses of the arcane rituals and ominous prophecies without taking the time to describe them. In marketing terms, it’s something that too is called a gamble; while anyone familiar with the books will be very much thrilled, and new viewers may well find The Wheel of Time trailers a little bit harsh to them.

The trailer is giving beautiful the production is done. We can hope that The wheel of time will be the best example of world buildings.

Let’s get detailed explanations of all the important takeaways from the second trailer of The wheel of Time- ranging from the Prophecy that goes on to the Dragon Reborn to the Dark One who threatens to burn the world.

Moiraine Sedai Swears The Aes Sedai Oath: (Wheel of Time Moiraine)

The second Wheel of Time trailer opens with Moiraine, the sorceress – or Aes Sedai, who will drive most of the narrative in Robert Jordan’s world. The trailer shows the moment she was raised from an Accepted ) to a full Aes Sedai, a process that involves holding a sacred Oath Rod that magically binds her to keep to the promises.

These three oaths have been modified from the books, and in The Wheel of Time Amazon Prime series are:

  • “I swear to speak no word that is not true.
  • To make no weapon with which one person may kill another.
  • And never to use the One Power as a weapon.”

The Three Oaths were introduced to reassure people that the Aes Sedai would not misuse their powers. But in reality, they do not force the Aes Sedai as much as we all believe. An Aes Sedai may not speak a lie, but that does not mean that they cannot be deceptive, and Aes Sedai swiftly learns to increase at evasion and half-truths.

They can construct their weapons, just not lethal ones, and while they may not use the One Power as a weapon, they often use it to weaponize things around them. Interestingly, the last one has qualifications in the books and is “except in the last defense of my life, the life of my warder, or the life of another sister.” The absence of these qualifications in The Wheel of Time trailer is significant and suggests their actions are constrained.

The Wheels of Time Revealing the whole story by Trailer 2
The Wheel of Time Revealing the whole story by Trailer 2

 The Aes Sedai Red, Blue, & Green Ajahs: ( The Wheel of Time Aes Sedai Ajahs)

The Aes Sedai are divided into seven different “Ajahs,” or clans, each special purpose. The second Wheel of Time trailer; the Green Ajah, the Blue Ajah, and the Red Ajah. The Red Ajah deals with abuses of the One Power and brings in dangerous male channelers. The Green Ajah are warriors that a Captain-General leads, and the Blue Ajah focuses on righteousness and justice proposed by the First Selector, that they have the biggest spy network. The Blue and Red ones are often at odds with each other.

Using The One Power Wheel of Time

 All Aes Sedai, like Moiraine, wield the One Power, Wheel of Time’s version of magic. As one character explains in Robert Jordan’s book that “The One Power comes from the True Source, the driving force of creation and the force that the Creator made to turn The Wheel of Time. The True Source cannot be used any more than the mill’s wheel can use the river. The Source is the river, the Aes Sedai, the waterwheel.

Channelers of the One Power are not equal; each one has its potential and will prefer special types of magic. The One Power is frequently liked to threads that a channeler weaves together to the spectacular effect; a stronger channeler can draw together the more threads but then with training, a weaker channeler can become proficient at weaves their more powerful sisters find it impossible. Moiraine is the greatest one of the Aes Sedai and is a channeler of Power and rarest skills.

Restraining Login, who is The False Dragon

In Wheel of Time, the magic of the world, known as the One Power, is split into two halves, are Saidar and Saidin. Saidar is the female part, wielded by the Aes Sedai, and Saidin is the male half, under a devilish figure known as the Dark One. The Aes Sedai watchmen who control the One Power because will start growing insane and becoming incredibly destructive.

“The Aes Sedai Are the Servants Of All”

The name “Aes Sedai” is not only a name; it means “Servants of All,” but in reality, the Aes Sedai have forgotten they were meant to be servants over many decades. They have become confident in their right to rule over the land of men, and their darkness of pride has grown within the hearts of even their leaders. 

 The Amyrlin Seat

The Aes Sedai leader chosen by the Hall of the Tower for life is the Amyrlin, and she always sits upon the Amyrlin Seat, a throne at the center of the Aes Sedai tower, their city of Tar Valon. She is considered the most powerful woman globally, and even the kings are bowing before her throne. 

Why Moiraine & Lan Go To Two Rivers?

 Moiraine Sedai becomes aware of the Time of True Dragon approaching, having participated in the capture of Login. And then she also decides to go to Two Rivers.

Egwene’s Mysterious Ceremony

 The second Wheel of Time trailer also introduces some of the residents of Two Rivers. The first resident is Egwene, and in the books, she’s known as the daughter of the town’s mayor, having the unusual potential to wield the One Power; she also joins the Aes Sedai and ascends through their ranks. 

Introducing The Ta’veren – Wheel Of Time’s Chosen Ones

In the book, Moiraine arrives at Two Rivers, and she is taken aback to discover three taverns that are the people who are central to the Web of Destiny and who are also influencing the lives of those around them to transform the world. 

The Threat Of The Dark One Explained

Wheel of Time Dark One Agent is the voiceover in The Wheel of Time second trailer, which introduces the main villain, the Dark One. Wheel of time’s version of the Devil is the Dark One, and he is a force of destruction who desires to destroy everything and den remake all of creation in his twisted image. 

Their dialogues appeared there –

  • “And the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man.
  • Women shall weep, and men quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth.
  • Neither shall anything stand or abide…”

 Wheel Of Time Makes A Major Change To The Books

The Wheel of Time second trailer reveals that a major change from the books is taken place in this series, with Moiraine revealing all five of the people she has taken from Two Rivers – and that is that the three men and the two women, as such Egwene and Ninaeve – are all ta’veren.

A Confrontation At Shadar Logoth

 Wheel of Time Shadar Logoth is the journey to Tar Valon is very dangerous and too with the ta’veren pursued by the Dark One’s agents. 

The Prophecy Of The Dragon Reborn

Moiraine is convinced that one of the five ta’veren, the Dragon Reborn, the one prophecied, wants to battle against the Dark One at the coming Last Battle. As Prophecy states that;

“Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as he was born before, and shall be born again, time without end.

The Dragon shall be Reborn, and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth.

In sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his coming, tearing apart all ties that bind.

Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us the Light.

Let tears flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation.”

The Trolloc Army Of The Dark One

The Dark One has an army that seeks out the ta’veren to kill them. The Trollocs are so-called “Shadowspawn” of the Dark One’s creations, and they are a blend of human and animal stock, brutal and very much bloodthirsty. 

 The Dark One Will Burn The World

As Moiraine thinks, the Dark One’s goal is to burn the world. She wants to tell us that the five ta’veren are the alternative for the world to be broken. The Marathon Cycle is very much clear that the Dragon will definitely burn the turmoil and do the distractions in his way as well:

“With his coming are the dread fires born again. The hills burn, and the land turns sere. The tides of men run out, and the hours dwindle. The wall is pierced, and the veil of parting raised. Storms rumble beyond the horizon, and the fires of heaven purge the earth. There is no salvation without destruction, no hope this side of death.”

The Wheel of Time is doing the work of transforming Its Heroes

The second Wheel of Time trailer ends by warning that the heroes will never go home again. But the truth is that the magic of Robert Jordan’s fantasy story is that every one of these characters played to be improvised characters in this journey. They all have played their destined part, and they will have been changed so much that they would never fit in back in their previous roles again.

This is the promise of Amazon Prime’s Wheel of Time: it recreates this epic story for the small screen and welcomes all the viewers to be part of this stunning transformation.

That’s all for now, Stay updated with this website for more such information.

Hi, I am Henna. I am working with age rating juju as a content writer for one year. I choose to write because it is something that gives you a chance to explore yourself, that's what I am doing.

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