The Girls' Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being A Goddess wallpaper and images
The Girls' Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being A Goddess wallpaper and images

The Girls’ Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being A Goddess- The Girls’ Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being A Goddess is a non-fiction book by Sally Jeffrie, Nellie Ryan, Liz Scoggins, and Zoe Quayle.

It is another great book in the series. The awesome book tells more ways to have a glamorous life. The book was created to make you feel confident, glamorous, gorgeous, and be the goddess you were meant to be.

The Girls’ Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being A Goddess

Summary of the book- The book is all about being confident, gorgeous, and glamourous. The tips and tricks in this book will help reveal the goddess inside you. Every girl deserves to live a life of glamour.

The book provides tips on how to host a spa-style party, how to design a signature perfume, how to stop biting nails, and how to jazz up a boring ponytail. This book also provides tips on how to get out of a limo, how to emphasize eye color, how to make a bedroom skin-friendly, and how to get super-soft hands and feet while you sleep.

If you are looking for a book that suits you I would highly suggest reading this book. It had great tips for girls. (Source- Sally Jeffrie)

Hi, I am Henna. I am working with age rating juju as a content writer for one year. I choose to write because it is something that gives you a chance to explore yourself, that's what I am doing.

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