The Batman Review: Matt Reeves’s “The Batman ” is more like a 70s crime drama than a soaring and transporting blockbuster. With its unpredictable action. I can say that “The Batman” is like a mind film like “The Warriors”. Also, it sometimes feels as if the Zodiac killer is terrorizing the citizens of Gotham because of high-profile murders driving the plot. The Batman has been rated PG 13 for strong violent and disturbing content, drug content, strong language, and some suggestive material.
This is a Batman movie that’s aware of its own place within pop culture, but not in a winking, meta fashion; rather, it acknowledges the comic book character’s lore, only to examine it and reinvent it in a way that’s both substantial and daring. The script from Reeves and Peter Craig forces this hero to question his history as well as confront his purpose, and in doing so, creates an opening for us as viewers to challenge the narratives we cling to in our own lives. Warning: Spoiler Ahead
The Batman Review
This film is much darker and more sinister than Batman, quite unlike the many versions that have gone before. The representation of Gotham as well is steeped in corruption and decay. You will see the story of the film opens with the death of the city’s mayor, and from there introduces the principal characters that are part of the Batman legacy that is known all too well by fans.
This film was more like the “Gotham” cable series than any of the prior movies, even if that show had more to do with the young Bruce Wayne growing into the masked crime fighter.
The villains both in “Gotham” and in this story personified the evil and malice that gripped Batman’s hometown, with an added element of corruption in the background of Bruce Wayne’s father that put him under the thumb of crime boss Carmine Falcone.
Robert Pattinson’s take on Batman was more effective than his portrayal of Bruce Wayne, who looked like he was part of the grunge scene. The Batman outfit looked unusually heavy and clunky; one’s first inkling that Batman was arriving was heralded by the thumping footsteps one might associate with “Jurassic Park”.
Pattinson’s voice as Batman, as well as those of Lieutenant Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) and The Riddler (Paul Dano), sounded like they were coming through a synthesizer. It gives a more dramatic effect rather than realistic.
This film version of The Riddler is not like anything you’ve seen before or would have expected. His off-screen portrayals hinted at a demented masked vigilante, which made the actual appearance of the character that much more compelling when it revealed an almost baby-faced Dano in the role of a psychotic madman. Quite honestly, it wasn’t until the credits rolled that I became aware that Colin Farrell had the role of Oz, hidden underneath all the prosthetics and make-up. Yes, he was referred to as The Penguin, but it wasn’t overdone, and his full name (Oswald Cobblepot) was never mentioned.
Rounding out the principals was Zoe Kravitz as the slinky Catwoman, Selina Kyle. She had some major kick-butt action in the film and rose to the occasion to save Batman near the end of the story. Speaking of which, even with his seemingly armor-plated outfit, Batman appeared unusually vulnerable to attacks by his foes in the picture. It marked him as more human than the average superhero with unusual powers.
I feel like, your attention needs to be focused due to the nuances that are revealed in the telling of Bruce Wayne’s parents’ story and how he might have been misled growing up. His father’s relationship with Falcone and fellow mob boss Salvatore Moroni bear on Gotham’s reputation. Maybe it was inadvertent, but there might have been a subliminal tribute to the “Gotham” series here with the character of Falcone associate Kenzie (Peter McDonald).
The Batman Official Trailer | The Batman Review
The Batman Soundtracks:
The Batman is an American superhero movie released on March 4. 2022. The Batman is directed by Matt Reeves and produced by Dylan Clark and Matt Reeves. Apart from having a great storyline, an amazing team of writers and directors, and some great actors, The Batman has some best soundtracks that not only make the worth watching but also more exciting.
The Batman End Credits
At the end of the movie, the URL of Riddler’s website is seen which was used for the marketing purposes of the movie. The speed at which the URL pops up on the screen is very high and you have to be very quick to read it.

Official website: Warner Bros.
The Batman Review: This is the most beautiful Batman movie you’ve ever seen—even if it’s not really a Batman movie at all. The role of James Gordon in that series was portrayed by Ben McKenzie.