Is spiderman in Morbius

Is spiderman in Morbius- The Morbius is an American superhero film that is created by Daniel Espinosa. Morbius is an Action, Adventure, Drama genre Movie produced by Film4 Productions, Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment.

This TV Series is distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. Morbius is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence, some frightening images, and brief strong language.

Is spiderman in Morbius

The trailers suggested the presence of A Spider-Man in this world when Jared Leto’s Dr. Michael Morbius walked in front of a mural that featured Spider-Man and had the word “Murderer” scrawled across it.

The fans are excited to know which Spider-Man could be the Spidey of the Morbius would it be Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, or even Tobey Maguire. Morbius director Daniel Espinosa told that there has to be a Spider-Man Or a Spider-Woman.

Official website- Sony Pictures Releasing

So Morbius is embracing the multiversal concept that was made popular in the Marvel comic books before Spider-Man: No Way Home which means, the Spider-Man that we see in the Morbius trailer doesn’t have to be Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, or anyone. It could be an alternate Spider-Man who patrols this version of NYC.


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