American Star (2024)

American Star Parents Guide: American Star is a Thriller and mysterious film directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego and written by Nacho Faerna, which Stars Ian McShane, Thomas Kretschmann, and Nora Arnezeder in the lead roles.

In this article, you will get information about the American Star Parents Guide Age ratings and other details regarding the film to decide which is suitable for the kids and which is not appropriate for them.

Title American Star
Genre Thriller, Mysterious
DirectorGonzalo López-Gallego
Released date January 26, 2024
Country United States
Language English
Distributor IFC Films
American Star Parents Guide
American Star Parents Guide
American Star Parents Guide

American Star Age ratings

American Star is rated R for the language and some bloody violence.

R ratings are given to those film that includes sexual, violent, language, and nudity, which is not suitable for kids, and kids should not watch these movies.

Ratings are given to films according to the contens being used in the movie so that you can come to know about the content and also you can know which movie is

American Star Parents Guide

American Star Parents Guide will guide you about the contents shown in the film and in which way so that you can decide if American Star is okay for your kids or not.


As this is a thriller film, it includes violence in which some characters are shown fighting with each other. Also, they wanted to defeat each other while fighting.

Consumption of Alcohol

It shows some consumption of Alcohol as it has been shown that some people were drinking Alcohol, and it shows that people were shown with glasses that were full of Alcohol.

Other Details

The other details of American Star have been given below.

What is the storyline?

It tells the story of Nick and Lauren on the trip, haunted by secrets they share, and they try to live without each other.

When is the release date?

American Star will be released on January 26, 2024, on IFC Films.

Who is in the cast?

It includes Ian McShane, Nora Arnezeder, Fanny Ardant, Andrés Gertrúdix, Thomas Kretschmann, Adam Nagaitis, Oscar Coleman, and Pedro Alberto Galindo in the film.


American Star Parents Guide


American Star Parents Guide: American Star is R-rated for its violence and language, which is unsuitable for kids, and they should not watch American Star as this will have a harmful impact.

In this article, you will get information about American Star, and then you will be able to make decisions for your kid as your kid is too young to take their own decision.

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