After premiering in theatres, The Northman is ready to stream On Peacock

After premiering in theatres The Northman is ready to stream On Peacock: The American epic historical film “The Northman” which was released theatrically on April 22, 2022, in the United States, is currently streaming on Peacock.

The Northman was directed by Robert Eggers, who co-wrote the screenplay with Sjón. It is based on the legend of Amleth and stars co-producer Alexander SkarsgÄrd, Nicole Kidman, Claes Bang, Anya Taylor-Joy, Ethan Hawke, Björk, and Willem Dafoe. Making a Viking film was on the bucket list of SkarsgÄrd for several years.

After premiering in theatres The Northman is ready to stream On Peacock

The film revolves around Amleth, a Viking prince on a journey to avenge the murder of his father. He wanted to take revenge on his uncle Fengo, who killed his father King Horwendil and takes his mother Gerutha as his own wife.

It is the third film of Eggers after receiving critical acclaim for The Witch and The Light House. It is considered the biggest project of his career which took his handmade, tactile approach to the next level.
“This movie is not 100% accurate—that’s impossible in any period, and particularly something like 1,000 years ago. And I can’t be 100% unbiased. But I’m trying my best to both represent the physical and material world as it could have been and to articulate the Viking mindset without judgment. That is definitely what I’m trying to do,” Egger’s told DailyBeast. Currently,  The Northman is streaming on Peacock.

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