She-Hulk Age Rating The American upcoming TV series “She-Hulk” is a series that is based on Marvel Comics which is directed by Kat Coiro, Anu Valia and produced by Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Kat Coiro, Jessica Gao. Production company is Marvel Studios. Distributed by Disney Platform Distribution. She-Hulk Parents Guide [su_box title=”She-Hulk Includes” […]
Louis D’Esposito
Moon Knight (2022)
Moon Knight Age Rating The American upcoming TV series “Moon Knight” is based on Marvel Comics that is created by Jeremy Slater and produced by Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Jeremy Slater. Production company is Marvel Studios. Distributed by Disney Platform Distribution. Moon Knight Parents Guide [su_box title=”Moon Knight Includes” style=”noise” radius=”9″] [su_table responsive=”yes”] Strong Violence […]
Blade (2022)
Blade Age Rating The American upcoming film “Blade” is a superhero film is based on Marvel Comics is produced by Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Eric Hauserman Carroll. The production company is Marvel Studios. Distributed by Walt Disney Studios, Motion Pictures. Film Blade is Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence/action, rude language, and thematic material. […]