American Rust Parents Guide American Rust is an upcoming American crime drama television series directed by John Dahl, Darnell Martin, Craig Zisk. The series is distributed by Showtime Networks, Paramount+. However, the production companies are Boat Rocker Studios, Platform One Media. American Rust Age Rating TV-Series American Rust is rated TV-MA for Strong Violence, Nudity, Sexual References, […]
David Alvarez
Posted inMovies, Latest
West Side Story (2021)
West Side Story Parents Guide West Side Story is a 2021 American musical romantic drama film directed by Steven Spielberg. The film is the second feature-length adaptation of the stage musical of the same name by Arthur Laurents, Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, and Jerome Robbins. West Side Story is produced by Steven Spielberg, Kristie Macosko […]