Four Cousins and A Christmas (Pizza and Whine) is an American comedy-drama film written by Raffaela Capp, Maria Capp, Elliott Estrada and directed by Maria Capp. The film is produced by Jayson Bernard, Maria Capp, Kristi Kilday, Raffaela Capp and distributed by MarVista Entertainment. However, the production companies are Cappricielli, KO Creative. The movie Four Cousins […]
American comedy-drama film
Death of a Telemarketer (2021)
Death of a Telemarketer Parents Guide Death of a Telemarketer is an American comedy-drama film written and directed by Khaled Ridgeway. It is produced by Meagan Good, Datari Turner, James J. Yi. The film is distributed by Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions. However, the production companies are Datari Turner Productions, Kasomo Productions. Death of a Telemarketer […]
Butter (2022)
Butter Parents Guide Butter (Butter’s Final Meal) is an American comedy-drama film written and directed by Paul A. Kaufman. It is based on a book of the same name by Erin Jade Lange. The film is produced by J. Todd Harris, Christina Sibul, Paul A. Kaufman and distributed by Blue Fox Entertainment. However, the production […]
The End of Us (2021)
The End of Us Parents Guide The End of Us (Lockdown mit Hindernissen) is an upcoming American comedy-drama film written and directed by Steven Kanter, Henry Loevner. The film is produced by Lovell Holder, Steven Kanter, Henry Loevner, Claudia Restrepo and distributed by Saban Films. However, the production company is Buzzfeed Studios. The End of Us […]
Single All the Way (2021)
Single All the Way Parents Guide Single All the Way is an upcoming American comedy-drama film written by Chad Hodge and directed by Michael Mayer. The film is produced by Joel S. Rice and distributed by Netflix. However, the production company is Muse Entertainment Enterprises. Single All the Way Age Rating The movie Single All […]
A Dog’s Journey (2019)
A Dog’s Journey Parents Guide A Dog’s Journey is an American family comedy-drama film written by W. Bruce Cameron, Cathryn Michon, Maya Forbes, Wally Wolodarsky, and directed by Gail Mancuso. The film is based on the 2012 novel of the same name by Cameron and is the sequel to the 2017 film A Dog’s Purpose. It is produced by Gavin Polone. […]
Monuments (2021)
Monuments Parents Guide | Monuments Age Rating Monuments is a British-American comedy-drama film written and directed by Jack C. Newell. It is produced by Angie Gaffney, Matt Hyland, Jack C. Newell. The film is distributed by Row House Films, 1091 Pictures. However, the production companies are Black Apple Media, ZAXIE. The movie Monuments is not […]
Begin Again (2014)
Begin Again Parents Guide Begin Again (Can a Song Save Your Life?) is an American musical comedy-drama film written and directed by John Carney. It is produced by Anthony Bregman, Tobin Armbrust, Judd Apatow. The film is distributed by Entertainment One, StudioCanal, The Weinstein Company, Netflix. However, the production companies are Exclusive Media Group, Sycamore […]
The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star (2021)
The Princess Switch 3 Romancing the Star Parents Guide The Princess Switch 3: Romancing the Star is an upcoming American comedy-drama film written by Robin Bernheim and directed by Mike Rohl. It is produced by Brad Krevoy. The film is distributed by Netflix. However, the production company is Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA). The […]
Red Rocket (2021)
Red Rocket Parents Guide Red Rocket is an upcoming American comedy-drama film directed and co-written by Sean Baker. It is produced by Sean Baker, Alex Coco, Samantha Quan, Alex Saks, Shih-Ching Tsou. The film is distributed by A24, Universal Pictures UK. However, the production companies are FilmNation Entertainment, Cre Film. Red Rocket Age Rating The […]