What Channing Tatum said after “GAMBIT” cancellation

GAMBIT cancellation 

In a scenario, where Marvel Universe is increasing at a very fast pace, it looks like we could see a new Hollywood star as a new superhero each day. It is very rare for a big Hollywood star to not make a comic book movie.

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What Channing Tatum said after GAMBIT cancellation

As per CNN ENTERTAINMENT reports, Channing Tatum in an interview said that he is still not over the fall down of his dream project “GAMBIT” cancellation. And after this incident, he is not ready to watch Marvel movies.

GAMBIT cancellation reason behind this cancellation|2022
GAMBIT cancellation reason behind this cancellation|2022

It was his desire to make the film by himself with the help of Reid Carolin. They both wrote the storyline together but the movie got delayed as the studio wanted an experienced person in place for Tatum.


The reason behind the GAMBIT” cancellation

In an interview, Tatum said that the studio didn’t want him as director. However, when he agreed to have someone else in the role of director, the movie still got canceled because of unknown reasons.

Upcoming XMAN movie shooting was paused after the merger of Disney and Fox as they needed some time to find out the way how to work together with Disney cinematic universe and fox character.

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