Netflix is quite famous for delivering over-the-top content. This time, it is also ready with a story that will be revolving around one of the world’s most dangerous, yet under-talked-about cult leaders, Rulon Jeff. This upcoming Netflix documentary is expected to reveal some of the hidden truths about the life of Jeff.

‘Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey’ True Story

Jeff started his own fundamental church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1986. As the church president, Jeff wanted to bring back the rules of polygamy that were pushed aside several years ago.

Jeff has a son named Warren from one of his wives. Warren would take the position of his father after Rulon passed in 2002. After taking over the position of his father, Warren continued the tradition of his father and he also married marrying countless women and fathered an unimaginable amount of children.

Among his followers, he is known as the one true prophet. The trailer of Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey which was released by Netflix revealed how Jeff raise to the top.

Hi, I am Henna. I am working with age rating juju as a content writer for one year. I choose to write because it is something that gives you a chance to explore yourself, that's what I am doing.

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