Glass Sword (Red Queen Book 2)

Glass Sword Age Rating | Glass Sword Parents Guide | 2016
Glass Sword Age Rating | Glass Sword Parents Guide | 2016

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Perfect for fans of George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series, Glass Sword is the high-stakes follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestselling Red Queen.

Glass Sword is the sequel to Victoria Aveyard’s best-selling dystopian fantasy Red Queen. Red Queen is a young adult fantasy novel series is the first series of the writer. Red Queen was the first novel of the series and the Sequels of the Red Queen are Glass Sword, King’s Cage, War Storm, and the last book of the series is Broken Throne a fifth book, and A Red Queen Collection.

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Book Name Glass Sword
Author Victoria Aveyard
Series Red Queen 
Genre Fantasy, Young Adult
Age Rating 13+
Language English
Date of Publication February 9th, 2016
No. of Page 464
Publisher HarperTeen


“No one is born evil, just like no one is born alone. They become that way, through choice and circumstance.”
― Victoria Aveyard, Glass Sword

Glass Sword Age Rating

This is a series strongly recommend 13 and up, there is violence here that I know kids won’t understand yet such as children being hanged, and a lot of gore being described. Other than that, This book is fast-paced, if you flip past as little as two pages, you miss a lot.  More violence than the first book.

Glass Sword Parents Guide

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Sexual Content: There is none of the sexual content. Longing looks, embraces, and a few kisses. Reference to sleeping in someone’s arms, nothing described.
Violence: Most of the characters have powers that help them in battle and cause death, injury, or destruction.
 People are killed from explosions, gunshots, and electrocution, and even telepathically.
A baby is found dead in a basket.
Language: “bitch,” “freak,” “weakling,” “coward,” “liar,” “nothing.” Brief swearing.
Drinking/Smoking- None


Glass Sword Summary

Kneel or Bleed

Mare Barrow’s blood is red—the color of common folk—but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court tries to control. The crown calls her an impossibility, a fake, but as she makes her escape from Maven, the prince—the friend—who betrayed her, Mare uncovers something startling: she is not the only one of her kind.

Pursued by Maven, now a vindictive king, Mare sets out to find and recruit other Red-and-Silver fighters to join in the struggle against her oppressors. But Mare finds herself on a deadly path, at risk of becoming exactly the kind of monster she is trying to defeat. Will she shatter under the weight of the lives that are the cost of rebellion? Or have treachery and betrayal hardened her forever? [Publisher]

“Strange, my enemies know me best, and my family doesn’t know me at all.”
― Victoria Aveyard, Glass Sword

Glass Sword Characters

There were quite a few new characters in this story:


  • Mare Barrow: also known as Mareena Titanos and The Lightning Girl, is new blood and a member of the Scarlet Guard. She possesses electrical ability. The 17-year-old Mare is a Red who steals for a living, but the discovery that she holds supernatural powers causes many to try to vie for her allegiance.
  • Ada Wallace: Ada worked as a servant for Governor Rem Rhambos in Harbor Bay before being recruited by Mare Barrow for the Scarlet Guard.
  • Cameron Cole: with the ability of a silent, meaning she can nullify the abilities of others.
  • Darmian: He is an invulnerable. Darmian is part of the Corros Prison raid.
  • Farrah: Farrah is a newblood that Mare was able to track down to help the Scarlet Guard. She is a sounder, meaning she can manipulate sounds.
  • Fletcher: Fletcher is a newblood with an ability that gives him immunity from pain.
  • Gareth Baument: Gareth was a horse master for Lady Ara Iral before being recruited by Mare. Gareth is part of the recruitment mission to Pitarus. He later dies during the raid on Corros Prison.
  • Harrick: is an illusionist.He uses his ability to make the group invisible and to change their appearance to others.
  • Jon: Jon is a newblood and a seer. He is not from Norta.
  • Ketha: Ketha was a newblood with the bomber ability.
  • Lory: Lory is a newblood who has an ability that gave her enhanced senses.
  • Luther Carver: Luther is the son of a carpenter and lived on the outskirts of the city of Haven. He was excused from school to the family trade. 
  • Nanny: Nanny was an elderly newblood and a member of the Scarlet Guard. She is a shifter. She takes care of the newblood children Mare and her friends save.
  • Nix Marsten: Nix Marsten was the first newblood Mare Barrow recruits.
  • Rash: Rash is a newblood and the brother of Tahir and Ibarem.
  • Shade Barrow: was the older brother of Mare Barrow. He was new blood with the ability of teleportation.
  • Tahir: Tahir is a newblood and the brother of Rash and Ibarem. Tahir has the mutation that grants him a Silver-like ability despite having Red blood. His ability gives him a mental link with his brothers, Ibarem and Rash. 
  • Wolliver Galt: Wolliver had the blood mutation that granted him a Silver-like ability despite having Red blood. 


  • Diana Farley: Diana Farley, often known as Farley, is a known leader of the Scarlet Guard. A captain of the Scarlet Guard leads them in the campaigns against the Silvers. She is strongly dedicated to the cause.
  • Bree Barrow: Mare Barrow’s older brothers.
  • Daniel Barrow:  father of Mare Barrow and her siblings.
  • Gisa Barrow: Gisa Barrow is Mare Barrow’s younger sister and a Red.
  • Kilorn Warren: Mare’s best friend and an apprentice of fishing. Mare seems content to eventually become his wife until her engagement with Maven makes them drift apart. The attempt to spare him of conscription is the catalyst of much of the novel’s plot. He doesn’t get along with Cal.
  • Lena: Lena is a Red and a member of the Scarlet Guard.
  • Ruth Barrow: mother of Mare Barrow and her siblings.
  • Tramy Barrow: one of Mare Barrow’s older brothers.
  • Willis Farley: Diana Farley’s father and a member of the Scarlet Guard.


  • Tiberias “Cal” Calore VII: Tiberias “Cal” Calore VII is the eldest child of Tiberias Calore VI and heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Norta. He was the eighteenth and final ruler of Norta. As a member of House Calore, he possesses the burner ability. The elder son and heir of King Tiberias Calore VI through his first wife, Coriane Jacos. Though he is engaged to Evangeline, he is in love with Mare, a fact that she uses to further her goals in the Scarlet Guard. He is a Burner, which means his Silver powers allow him to manipulate fire.
  • Elara Merandus: Elara Merandus is the second wife of King Tiberias Calore VI, Queen of Norta, and the mother of Maven Calore. The mysterious and sadistic current queen of Norta and the mother of Maven. Mare dislikes her since the very start of their meeting. She is able to read and manipulate people with the ability known as Whispering.
  • Evangeline Samos: Evangeline Artemia Samos is a magnetron of House Samos and the second child of Volo Samos and Larentia Viper. She is initially shown to be an enemy of Mare Barrow, later proving that she has a good heart, just a funny way of showing it. A haughty girl who is made Cal’s fiancée after being declared the best of the aspiring princesses. She holds a grudge against Mare, particularly after the latter humiliates her by expending her electrokinesis and repelling her magnetic manipulation, a trait of the House Samos.
  • Julian Jacos: A royal librarian and the brother of Cal’s deceased mother, Coriane, making him his uncle. He is the last known person to hold the power of a Singer: being able to control people through his voice.
  • Maven Calore: Maven Merandus Calore was the seventeenth ruler and former King of Norta. He was Tiberias Calore VII’s younger half-brother and the only child of Elara Merandus and Tiberias Calore VI. He was Silver with the burner ability. King Tiberias VI’ second son through his second wife, Elara Merandus, and thus Cal’s half-brother. He is shy, but Mare’s sudden engagement with him makes him open up. Like Cal and his father, Maven has the ability to control flames. Maven is deeply jealous of Cal, partly because he thought his brother had won Mare’s heart, the way he had won their father’s.
  • Sara Skonos: A friend of Julian who works as a nurse with her ability to heal people, known as Skin Healing.

Glass Sword Trailer

“I suppose he doesn’t know where he stands anymore. Not a rebel, not a prince, not sure of anything except the fire in his bones.”
― Victoria Aveyard, Glass Sword

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