the wilds
the wilds
The TV Series The Wilds,  created by an American drama streaming television series created for by Sarah Streicher. In fact, the TV Series The Wilds is an American Drama and strong language, genre TV Series produced by A.B. Baby Productions Dylan Clark Productions, Fanfare Productions, Amazon Studios, ABC Signature. Moreover, the TV Series is Distributed by Prime Video. Read more about the TV Series, The Wilds age Rating, and parental guides for kids.

The Series, The Wilds Official Poster, and Details

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The Wilds Age Rating 2020 - TV Show official Poster Netflix Images and Wallpapers
The Wilds age rating tv show

Note! If you already watched the show, So please inform us about the parental guidance here. Eventually, from your support, we can bring out a better vision for everyone.

TV Series NameThe Wilds

Genre –  Drama and strong language 

CreatorSarah Streicher

Age Rating –  16+

Release Date – December 11, 2020

Seasons-  1

Episodes- 10


The Wilds TV Series Overview

The Wilds is an American ball alive television alternation created by Sarah Streicher set to air on Amazon Prime Video. It is about an accumulation of adolescent girls whose even crashes, abrogation them abandoned on a bare island. Refinery29 declared the alternation as “equal genitalia angsty boyhood ball and survivalist adventure.”

What is The Wilds Age Rating




BBFC – 15+


CommonSenseMedia – 16+

Details of Parental Guidance for The Wilds

The TV Series, The Wilds Age rating, is 16+

In fact, the age rating, fixed by MPAA( Motion Picture Association of America TV Series rating system), CSM(common sense media), BBFC(British Board Of Film Classification). The board can decide who can watch the TV Series and TV shows. Here, for The Wilds, it is rated 16+ for the contents shown in the TV Series. Including brutal violence, sexual references, and drug trade, throughout the Series. Notably, the 16+ rating suggests that children under the age of 16 are restricted to watch the Series. If you have watched the TV Series, please provide the comments and thus help other kids/parents with the age rating and its contents.

The Wilds 2020 rating 16 in the United Kingdom and TV-14 in the United States and overseas. In addition, it is rated NR in Canada, MA15+ in Australia. Other ratings include R16 in New Zealand, 16 in France, 16 in Spain, and 16 in  Germany. Also, 16 in Brazil. This includes the age rating of The Wilds in the US, UK, NZ, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, etc…

Explained Why The Wilds Received 16+ Age Rating

  • Sexual references
  • rear nudity
  • Kissing scenes
  • explicit love scenes
  • Man undressing
  • Man in boxers
  • Blood contents
  • hard combat fights
  • Severe curse words
  • drinking and illegal drugs usage
  • Cigarette smoking
  • We will update more details very sooner

Eventually, these are the reasons for the 16+ rating for the TV Series, The Wilds.

The Wilds Release date

The TV Series, The Wilds release date is December 11, 2020.

What is The Wilds Runtime

TV Series The Wilds with total 10 episodes from 1 seasons.

  • The Wilds Age Rating – Wallpapers and Images

The Wilds Age Rating 2020 - TV Show Netflix Poster Images and Wallpapers
The Wilds Age Rating 2020- TV Show Poster Images and Wallpapers
  • Official Trailer of The Wilds TV Series


Summary Of The Wilds Cast

The TV Series casting includes Rachel Griffiths, Sophia Taylor Ali, Shannon Berry, Sarah Pidgeon, Erana James, Jenna Clause, and others. In Rachel Griffiths as Gretchen Klein, Sophia Taylor Ali as Fatin Jadmani, Shannon Berry as Dot Campbell, and  Sarah Pidgeon as Leah Rilke, Erana James as Toni Shalifoe.

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