The Alienist Parents Guide The Alienist is an American Crime, Drama, and Mystery television series based on the 1994 novel The Alienist The Angel of Darkness which is penned by Caleb Carr. which is Directed by David Caffrey, Jakob Verbruggen, and Clare Kilner and it is penned by the writers Hossein Amini, Amy Berg, Stuart […]
Kung Fu (2021 TV series)
Kung Fu Parents guide Kung Fu is an American martial arts action-adventure television series that is premiered on The CW on April 7, 2021, and developed by Christina M. Kim. The series is based on Kung Fu by Ed Spielman and is produced by Karyn Smith-Forge, Jennifer Lence, Ian Smith, Kathryn Borel, Jr., and Lillian Yu. […]
Claws (TV-Series 2017-2021)
Claws Parents Guide Claws is an American comedy-drama television series written and created by Eliot Laurence. It is produced by George Paaswell, Larry Rapaport, Doug Stockstill, Emily Silver. The series is distributed by TNT, DiziMax, HBO Max, Warner Bros. Television Distribution. However, the production companies are Le Train Train, Studio T, Warner Horizon Television. Claws Age […]
Shaq Life (TV-Series 2020-)
Shaq Life Parents Guide | Shaq Life Age Rating Shaq Life is an American reality television series written and directed by Rory Karpf. It is produced by Corey Frost. The series is distributed by TNT, TBS. However, the production company is TNT. TV-Series Shaq Life is not rated yet but we will update you soon. TV-Series Shaq […]
All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (2019-2021)
What is All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite age rating? Read about All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite Parents Guide. However, All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite is rated TV-14 for Severe curse words The board provides the information of the content shown in the series so that you can decide that the show is appropriate for your children or not. TV-14 RATED MEANING: […]