Invasion Parents Guide | Invasion (Ray James) is an upcoming American science fiction television series created by Simon Kinberg, David Weil. It is directed by Jakob Verbruggen, Amanda Marsalis. The series is produced by John Blair and distributed by AppleTV+. However, the production companies are Genre Films, Platform One Media. This series will also be known […]
Simon Kinberg
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2021)
What is X-Men: Dark Phoenix Age Rating | X-Men: Dark Phoenix Parents Guide X-Men: Dark Phoenix, a 2019 American superhero film, directed by Simon Kinberg. based on the Marvel Comics X-Men characters. Produced by Simon Kinberg, Hutch Parker, Lauren Shuler Donner, Todd Hallowell. Production companies are 20th Century Fox, Marvel Entertainment, Kinberg Genre, Hutch Parker, TSG […]
X-Men: Apocalypse(2016)
What is X-Men: Apocalypse Age Rating | X-Men: Apocalypse Parents Guide X-Men: Apocalypse, a 2016 American superhero film directed and produced by Bryan Singer and written by Simon Kinberg, Based on X-Men by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Apocalypse by Louise Simonson, Jackson Guice Produced by Bryan Singer, Lauren Shuler Donner, Simon Kinberg, Hutch Parker. Production companies are Marvel Entertainment, […]
X-Men: Days of Future Past(2014)
What is X-Men: Days of Future Past Age Rating | X-Men: Days of Future Past Parents Guide X-Men: Days of Future Past, a 2014 American superhero film directed and produced by Bryan Singer and written by Simon Kinberg, Based on X-Men by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Days of Future Past by Chris Claremont, John Byrne. Produced by Bryan Singer, Lauren Shuler Donner, […]
Star Wars Rebels
The TV Series Star Wars Rebels, created by an American 3D animated science fiction television series created by Simon Kinberg, Carrie Beck, Dave Filoni. In fact, the TV Series, Star Wars Rebels is an American Action, Adventure, Drama, Science fiction, genre TV Series produced by Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm Animation. Moreover, the TV Series is Distributed […]