Halo TV Series Rating Halo is an upcoming American live-action military science fiction television series written and created by Kyle Killen, Steven Kane. It is based on the Halo video game franchise. The series is directed by Otto Bathurst, Jonathan Liebesman, M. J. Bassett, Roel Reiné, Jet Wilkinson and distributed by ViacomCBS Global Distribution, Paramount+, CBS Studios International. […]
Military science fiction
Halo (TV-Series 2022)
Halo Parents Guide and Halo Age Rating Halo is an upcoming American live-action military science fiction television series written and created by Kyle Killen, and Steven Kane. It is based on the Halo video game franchise. The series is directed by Otto Bathurst, Jonathan Liebesman, M. J. Bassett, Roel Reiné, and Jet Wilkinson and distributed […]
Star Wars The Clone Wars
The Netflix TV Series star wars the clone wars, created by an American coming-of-age adult animated sitcom created for Netflix by George Lucas. In fact, the Netflix TV Series, star wars the clone wars, is Military science fiction, Action, Adventure, genre TV Series produced by Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm Animation, Lucasfilm Animation Singapore, Polygon Pictures. Moreover, the TV […]