Henchmen Parents Guide | Henchmen Age Rating Henchmen (Supervillanos) is a Canadian computer-animated action comedy film written and directed by Adam Wood. It is produced by Brenda Gilbert, Luke Carroll, Aaron L. Gilbert. The film is distributed by Entertainment One, 101 Films, Front Row Filmed Entertainment, Vertical Entertainment. However, the production companies are BRON Studios, Téléfilm Canada. The movie […]
Canadian Movies
Fireheart (2022)
Fireheart Parents Guide | Fireheart Age Rating Fireheart is an upcoming Canadian–French animated adventure comedy film written by Laurent Zeitoun, Jennica Harper, and directed by Theodore Ty, Laurent Zeitoun. It is produced by Laurent Zeitoun, Yann Zenou. The film is distributed by Entertainment One, E Stars Films, Noori Pictures. However, the production companies are Main Journey, Caramel […]
See for Me (2022)
See for Me Parents Guide See for Me is a Canadian thriller film written by Adam Yorke, Tommy Gushue and directed by Randall Okita. It is produced by Matt Code, Kristy Neville. The film is distributed by Dutch FilmWorks, IFC Midnight, levelFILM. However, the production company is Wildling Pictures. Film See for Me Release date […]
Hail to the Deadites (2021)
Hail to the Deadites Parents Guide Hail to the Deadites is a Canadian documentary film written and directed by Steve Villenevue. It is produced by Rob DiLauro, Glen Alexander, Steve Villeneuve. The film is distributed by Shudder, Amazon Prime Video, Scream Factory. However, the production company is DiggerFilms. Hail to the Deadites Age Rating The Movie Hail […]
Snowbound for Christmas (2019)
Snowbound for Christmas Parents Guide Snowbound for Christmas is a Canadian romantic film written by Paula Tiberius and directed by Marco Deufemia. It is based on a Harlequin novel ‘Snowbound with the CEO’ by Shannon Stacey. The film is produced by Stan Hum, Myles Milne, Jessica Reis, Nancy Yeaman and distributed by Netflix, Brain Power Studio […]
The Good Americans: One Revolution, Two Nations (2021)
The Good Americans One Revolution Two Nations Parents Guide | The Good Americans One Revolution Two Nations Rating The Good Americans: One Revolution, Two Nations is an American–Canadian documentary film written by Jennifer Keene, Tad Størmer, and directed by Tad Størmer. The film is produced by Jennipher Tucy, Tad Størmer. However, the production company is Størmerlige […]
Unravelling The Ravelled Mind (2021)
Unravelling The Ravelled Mind Parents Guide | Unravelling The Ravelled Mind Age Rating Unravelling The Ravelled Mind is an upcoming Canadian documentary film written by Conor Forrest, Sandra Landolt. It is directed, produced and starred by Conor Forrest. The film is distributed by Vimeo. However, the production company is Little Cat Productions. The movie Unravelling […]
The Intersection (2021)
The Intersection Parents Guide | The Intersection Age Rating The Intersection is an upcoming Canadian drama film written and directed by Robert Misovic. It is produced by Anastasia Buterina, Toru Gabriela Miyake Gallardo, Andjelika Javorina, Aharon Jinjihashvili, Robert Misovic. However, the production company is Pensare Films. The movie The Intersection is not rated yet but we […]
We Did It (2021)
We Did It Parents Guide | We Did It Age Rating We Did It is an upcoming Canadian crime documentary film written and directed by Alec Elliot. It is produced by Kamran Zaidi. However, the production companies are Kamra On Productions, Rolston Rye. The movie We Did It is not rated yet but we will update you […]
Astonishing Tales of Terror: Rocktapussy! (2021)
Astonishing Tales of Terror Rocktapussy! Parents Guide | Astonishing Tales of Terror Rocktapussy! Age Rating Astonishing Tales of Terror: Rocktapussy! is an upcoming Canadian fantasy film written and directed by Andrew Cymek. It is produced by Brigitte Kingsley. The film is distributed by Defiant Empire, Shout! Factory Films. However, the production company is Good Soldier Films. […]