On Netflix, the renowned filmmaker Guillermo del Toro has released his brand-new anthology series Cabinet of Curiosities. In it, he presents eight frightful tales that have been brought to life by a select group of writers and directors. As we get closer to Halloween weekend, horror fans had plenty to enjoy thanks to the streaming […]
Ben Barnes
Shadow and Bone (TV-Series 2021)
Shadow and Bone Age Rating | Explained with reason Shadow and Bone Age Rating the Netflix series Shadow and Bone is explained here. Why Shadow and Bone received this age rating? Read the complete information here. Shadow and Bone Age rating in the UK, US, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, and overseas. MPAA, TV rating. Shadow and Bone Age […]
The Punisher
The Punisher is an American web television series created by Stene Lightfoot, you will see action, Conspiracy Thriller, Crime, Drama. The Series is Produced by Marvel Television, ABC studio production, and Bohemian streaming services. The TV series is distributed by Netflix. read more about the Netflix tv series, The Punisher age rating, and parental guides […]