Planet of the Astronauts (2022)

Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide and Age Rating

Planet of Astronauts is a 2023 comedy adventure film. This film is directed and written by Justin Souriau-Levine. It is produced and distributed by Justin Souriau-Levine Studios.

The Cast of Planet of the Astronauts is Justin Souriau-Levine, Adil Chokairy, Roger Younger, Emily Hobbs, Sébastien Freland, Leila Massenet, Emmanuel Rouy, Robert A. Levine, Beth Namiat, Marco Rosati, and others.

Age ratings provide guidance to help parents decide whether a particular series/movie is suitable for their child.

By learning the age rating you can get information about the age of kids that can watch the particular program.

Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide
Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide

Here’s a look at Planet of the Astronauts age ratings, Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide, Release Date, Cast, Official Trailer, and more.

NamePlanet of the Astronauts
Director Justin Souriau-Levine
WriterJustin Souriau-Levine
GenreComedy, Adventure
Release Date12 December 2022
CountryUnited States
Production CompanyJustin Souriau-Levine Studios
Distributor Justin Souriau-Levine Studios
Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide

Planet of the Astronauts Synopsis/ Overview

The film is about three astronauts who return to Earth four years after a failed mission to Uranus and become trapped in a black hole. They land in a deserted New York City and find other astronauts, who tell them about the COVID-27 virus and the pandemic that followed.

Planet of the Astronauts Age Rating

Planet of the Astronauts is rated R. It means Restricted. Program-rated R is intended to be viewed by mature, adult audiences and may be unsuitable for children under 17. Contains content that is unsuitable for children.

Age ratings provide guidance to help parents decide whether a particular series/movie is suitable for their child.

By learning the age rating you can get information about the age of kids that can watch the particular program.

Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide

Mild Nudity
Kissing Scene between two couples
Strong Language
Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide

Planet of the Astronauts Wallpaper and Images

Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide
Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide

Planet of the Astronauts Cast and Characters

Here, is the complete list of Planet of the Astronauts Cast and Characters.

  • Justin Souriau-Levine as Tom
  • Adil Chokairy as James
  • Roger Younger as Calvin
  • Emily Hobbs as Lexi
  • Haitham Wahab as The Universe(voice)
  • Sébastien Freland as Sérafin
  • Leila Massenet as Jacqueline
  • Emmanuel Rouy as Jacques LaMachoire
  • Robert A. Levine as Fred
  • Marco Rosati as Doctor Gianluigi Materazzi
  • Beth Namiat as Jane
  • Chjara Varasteh as Nina
  • Marc Wahab as Miroslav
  • Laura Hausman as Hanna
  • Scott Widener as Steve Widebutt-Crack
  • Tracy Pogue as Sally
  • Richard Hausman as Anthony
  • Martin Cornu-Mansuy as Giacomo

Planet of the Astronauts Official Trailer

Planet of the Astronauts Trailer Explained

It is shown in this trailer about Three astronauts returning to Earth four years after a failed mission to Uranus and being trapped in a black hole. They land in a deserted New York City and find other astronauts, who tell them about the COVID-27 virus and the pandemic that followed

Planet of the Astronauts FAQ

What is the Age Rating of a Planet of the Astronauts?

Planet the Astronauts rated is R.

Why Planet of the Astronauts is rated R?

Planet of the Astronauts is rated R for violence.

What was Planet of the Astronauts released?

Planet of the Astronauts was released on 12 December 2022.

Who is the distributor of Planet of the Astronauts?

Justin Souriau-Levine Studios is the distributor of Planet of the Astronauts.

Movies and series get different ratings in different countries like the UK, the US, Australia, Singapore, Canada, etc.

Before watching a movie, it is very important for parents to read the Planet of the Astronauts Parents Guide and further ratings so that they know whether the movie is correct or not for their children And they get to know about the good or bad content present in the film.

If it is right for the kids then they can watch it with them, And if not, then they can refuse to see them because if any material in it is not suitable for their children, then they can tell that.

Sites Like MPA (Motion Picture Association of America), and BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) Gives rating license for movies and supports you for a better future for your children, That’s why it should be the duty of every parent to open the doors of a better future for their children through age rating and parents guide.

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