Kindling (2023)

Kindling Parents Guide

Kindling is an upcoming Romance, Drama film. This film is directed and written by Connor O’Hara. It is produced by Lowkey Films and the distributor of Kindling film is Signature Entertainment.

The Cast of Kindling film is George Somner, Conrad Khan, Wilson Radjou-Pujalte, Mia McKenna-Bruce, Rory J. Saper, Kaine Zajaz, Geoff Bell, Tara Fitzgerald and others.

Age ratings tell us which age group of films and series written for children are suitable for which age audience and for which they are unsuitable. Through the age rating, it is easily known whether you can watch it at the age that is needed as a way for parents to show the way.

Here’s a look at Kindling age ratings, Kindling Parents Guide, Release Date, Cast, Official Trailer, and more.

GenreDrama. Romance
Release DateApril 21, 2023
CountryUnited Kingdom
DistributorSignature Entertainment
Kindling Parents Guide

Kindling Age Rating

Age ratings are recommendations for parents and carers of kids to help them decide what is appropriate for their child depending on what stage of development they are at.

Kindling Age Rating is not available but we will update you soon

Kindling Parents Guide

First of all, parents should read any film, series, book, or game about their parents guide, then they can find out whether it is suitable for their children or not.

A nude man is shown
Mature Content
Kindling Parents Guide

Plot: What’s the Story About?

This film story about A group of young men who return to their hometown to turn their friend’s final days into a celebration of life and friendship.

When and Where can I Watch Kindling?

Kindling is scheduled to be released on April 21, 2023

Wallpaper and Images

Kindling Parents Guide
Kindling Parents Guide

Who is in the Cast of Kindling?

Here, is the complete list of Kindling Cast and Characters

  • George Somner as Sid
  • Conrad Khan as Dribble
  • Wilson Mbomio as Diggs
  • Mia McKenna-Bruce as Lily
  • Rory J Saper as Plod
  • Kaine Zajaz as Wolfie
  • Geoff Bell as Sid’s Dad
  • Tara Fitzgerald as Sid’s Mum
  • Ocean Navarro as Jess
  • Hattie Gotobed as Mia
  • Noor Lila as Lilys friend
  • Jill Stanford as Judith
  • Marcus John Cooper as Pub patron

Trailer: Is there any trailer available?

Kindling Parents Guide

Trailer Breakdown

Kindling movie trailer was released and the trailer follows a group of young men who return to their hometown to turn their friend’s final days into a celebration of life and friendship.

Kindling FAQ

Who is the director of Kindling?

Connor O’Hara is the director of Kindling

When will Kindling be released?

Kindling is set to be released on April 21, 2023

Who is the distributor of Kindling?

Signature Entertainment is the distributor of Kindling

Movies and series get different ratings in different countries like the UK, the US, Australia, Singapore, Canada, etc.

Before watching a movie, it is crucial for parents to read the Parents Guide and further ratings so that they know whether the movie is correct or not for their children And they get to know about the good or bad content present in the film.

If it is suitable for the kids then they can watch it with them, And if not, then they can refuse to see them because if any material in it is not suitable for their children, then they can tell that.

Sites Like MPA (Motion Picture Association of America), and BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) Gives rating license for movies and supports you for a better future for your children, That’s why it should be the duty of every parent to open the doors of a better future for their children through age rating and parents guide.

KINDLING Wallpaper and Images

Director: Connor O'Hara

Date Created: 2023-04-21 13:32

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