Halt and catch fire

The TV Series  Halt and Catch Fire, created by an American period drama television series created by  Christopher Cantwell, Christopher C. Rogers. In fact, the TV Series, Halt and Catch Fire is an American strong language,   Drama, genre TV Series produced by AMC Studios, Gran Via Productions, Lockjaw Productions, 320 Sycamore, Sic Semper Tyrannis. Moreover, the TV Series is Distributed by AMC Networks. Read more about the TV Series, Halt and Catch Fire age Rating, and parental guides for kids.

Halt and catch fire Age Rating 2020- TV Show official Poster Netflix Images and Wallpapers
Halt and catch fire-age-rating-tv-show-netflix

Note! If you already watched the show, So please inform us about the parental guidance here. Eventually, with your support, we can bring out a better vision to everyone.

 TV Series NameHalt and Catch Fire

Genre – strong language, Drama

CreatorChristopher Cantwell, Christopher C. Rogers

Age Rating –  14+

Release Date –June 1, 2014 –October 14, 2017

Seasons-  4

Runtime – 41-54mins

Episodes- 40


Halt and Catch Fire TV Series Overview

season 1

taking place over a stretch of time of more than ten years, the number, order, group, the line makes a picture of a made into fiction insider’s view of the personal knowledge processing machine complete change of the 1980s and the growth of the earth Wide the net in the early 1990s.

season 2

Now affluent and abandoned at home while Donna works at Mutiny, Gordon struggles to appear up with a new activity account to ample his chargeless time and briefly goes on a cocaine binge. He decides to actualize software that will clue the cardinal of bodies on Mutiny’s network.

season 3

season 3 finds Halt and Catch Fire effective from Texas to San Francisco and alteration focus on the development of Silicon Valley and the bearing of the internet

season 4

Inspired by Donna’s advice, Gordon proposes to Joe that they transform Comet into a destination in itself. Joe and Gordon absurdly begin means to relaunch Comet as an armpit area users’ appetite to linger. Diane tells Donna that she is planning to footfall aback as a managing accomplice and offers to aback Donna as a replacement.

What is Halt and Catch Fire Age Rating


MPPA – TV-14


BBFC – TV-15


CommonSenseMedia – 16+

Details of Parental Guidance for Halt and Catch Fire

The TV Series, Halt and Catch Fire Age rating, is 14+

In fact, the age rating, fixed by MPAA( Motion Picture Association of America TV Series rating system),  CSM(common sense media), BBFC (British Board Of Film Classification, The board can decide who can watch the TV Series and TV shows. Here, for Halt and Catch Fire, it is rated 14+ for the contents shown in the TV Series. Including brutal violence, sexual references, and drug trade, throughout the Series. Notably, the 14+ rating suggests that children under the age of 14 are restricted to watch the Series. If you have watched the TV Series, please provide the comments and thus help other kids/parents with the age rating and its contents.

Halt and Catch Fire rating 12 in the United Kingdom and TV-14 in the United States and overseas. In addition, it is rated TV-14in Canada and 16 in France. Other ratings include  18 in South Korea, 16 in Spain. Also, 12 in Norway. This includes the age rating of Halt and Catch Fire in the US, UK, NZ, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, etc…

Explained Why Halt and Catch Fire Received 14+ Age Rating

  • Sexual contents
  • Two Men Kissing
  • no nudity
  • Moaning sounds implying sex
  • Few fight scenes
  • Mild fist fights
  • Moderate curse words
  • Social drinking
  • We will update more details very sooner

Eventually, these are the reasons for the 14+ rating for the TV Series, Halt and Catch Fire.

Halt and Catch Fire Release date

The TV Series, Halt and Catch Fire release date is June 1, 2014 –October 14, 2017.

What is Halt and Catch Fire Runtime

TV Series Halt and Catch Fire, with total 40 episodes from 4 seasons. Each episodes takes 41-54 minutes.


  • Halt and Catch Fire CastAge Rating – Wallpapers and Images Poster

Halt and Catch Fire Cast Age Rating 2017- TV Show official Poster Netflix Images and Wallpape
Halt and Catch Fire Cast-age-rating-tv-show-

Official Trailer of Halt and Catch Fire  TV Series


Summary Of Halt and Catch Fire Cast

The TV Series casting includes Lee PaceScoot McNairyMackenzie DavisKerry BishéToby Huss, Aleksa Palladino, and others. In this Series, Lee Pace plays the role of Joe MacMillan. While Scoot McNairy features as Gordon Clark. And Mackenzie Davis comes as Cameron Howe. Furthermore, Kerry Bishé stars as Donna Clark.

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