Forrest Gump (1994)

Forrest Gump Age Rating | Explained With Reason

Know what is the age rating of Forrest Gump, the 1994 movie. Forrest Gump Age Rating is explained here. Why Forrest Gump 1994 received this age rating? Read the complete information here. Forrest Gump 1994 movie age rating in the UK, US, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, and overseas. Forrest Gump MPAA rating and the BBFC rating 1994.  Find Forrest Gump movie Parental Guidance and Parental Appropriate here.

Movie NameForrest Gump
Film ByParamount Pictures
Film TypeComedy, Drama
Age RatingPG-13
Cast List
Running Time
142 min
Release Date6 July 1994
PriceBuy Now | Watch Now

Forrest Gump Film Overview

Film Forrest Gump, directed by Robert Zemeckis. The  American Romantic, Comedy, Drama, genre movie casting includes Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson, Sally Field, and others. Obviously, Tom Hanks plays the role of Forrest Gump, a highly intelligent man. While Robin Wright stars as Jenny Curran, love interest of Forrest. And Gary Sinise features as Lieutenant Dan Taylor, the platoon leader of Forrest during Vietnam war.

Wendy Finerman Productions produced the movie, Forrest Gump. It plots the unfolding of history through a man of IQ not less than a 75-year-old. The whole story is recited to a fellow person on a bench at a bus stop.

What is Forrest Gump Age Rating

The movie, Forrest Gump Age rating, is PG-13.

In fact, the age rating, fixed by MPAA( Motion Picture Association of America film rating system) and the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification). PG-13 means the movie includes contents where children under the age of 13 require parental guidance.  Firstly, PG-13 rated -Forrest Gump, for including war violence, and drug usage, also some sensuality not suited for children under the age of 13.

Forrest Gump 1994 rated 12 in the United Kindom and PG-13 in the United States and overseas. In addition, it is rated M in Australia and PG in Canada. Other ratings include a 14 in Brazil and 12 in Germany, PG13 in Singapore 12 in South Korea, T in Spain, PG12 in Japan. This includes the age rating of Forrest Gump in the US, UK, NZ, Ireland, Canada, Singapore.

Explained Why Forrest Gump Received PG-13 Age Rating

  •  Sexual references and nudity exposed
  • The side of women breast is shown in multiple scenes but no nipples showed
  • Brief kissing scenes and sex implied in bed with bareback exposed
  • Bomblast and gunshot violence shown in prolonged war scenes
  • Child rape being referred
  • Bloody images are found in multiple scenes
  • a woman being thrashed onto the bed
  • Moderate profanity usage in major scenes
  • Smoking, cigarettes, drugs, pills, bongs, and alcohol are shown being used
  • In fact, the movie is too emotional that implies many life lose, a cancer woman, war loses, eventually, these are the reasons for the PG-13 rating for Forrest Gump.

Forrest Gump Age Rating – Release date

In fact, Forrest Gump reached the global theatres 6 July 1994. In addition, the distribution rights purchased by Paramount Pictures.

Forrest Gump Age Rating – wallpapers and Images

Forrest Gump Age Rating 1994 - Movie Poster Images and Wallpapers
Forrest Gump Age Rating 1994 – Movie Poster Images and Wallpapers

Official Trailer of the film Forrest Gump

What is Forrest Gump Runtime

The movie will take an approximate 142 minutes. That’s a 2 hour,22 minutes movie.


What Forrest Gump film is Rated?

Forrest Gump Film is Rated PG-13 by MPA.

Why Forrest Gump Film is Rated PG-13?

Forrest Gump Film is Rated PG-13 for drug content, some sensuality, and war violence.

Is Forrest Gump Film suitable for 12 years old kids?

No, Forrest Gump Film is not suitable for 12 years old kids.

Stay tuned to get more updates on the age rating of Forrest Gump. In fact, you can read the complete information about the upcoming movies to reach theatres here. Finally, any suggestions always welcomed. Also, please make use of the comment box for your reviews.

Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump Age Rating 1994 Movie Poster Images and Wallpapers

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Date Created: 1997-07-06 05:42

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