Everything Call for Salvation Soundtrack

Everything Calls for Salvation” is a series written by Daniele Menacarelli. This series is based on Daniele Menacarelli’s novel of the same name, which revolves around Daniele Cenni, a young man who was sent to a psychiatric facility after having a violent psychotic episode.

In this series, it is told that At first, Daniele struggled to come to terms with the fact that he could be admitted to a psychiatric unit as he believed himself to have a sane mind.

Everything Call for Salvation Soundtrack

Here, is the complete list of the Everything Call for Salvation Soundtrack.

From the Diving Board
Giovanni’s Arpeggio
First Sleepless Night
Nina Runs Away
It’s All Nonsense
Madonnina and the Castle
Where I am
Every Night
It Was His Mother
The Dive
What is the Meaning?
Remember to Breathe
Their Baby
Goodnight Hospital Ward
The Electro Ex’s
Nina and Daniele
The Pinecone
Unfulfilled Promises
Everything Calls for Salvation

Although, his attitude towards the facility and its patients changed with time. Throughout his week-long stay at the unit, he made some good friends who gave him a life-long lesson to cherish. So, let’s see how seven days in the hospital alters his perception of sanity and madness.

Everything Call for Salvation was released on 14 October 2022 on Netflix.

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