Autumn and the Black Jaguar (2024)

Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide: Autumn and the Black Jaguar is an Adventure, Comedy, and Family film directed by Gilles de Maistre and written by Prune de Maistre.

The film casts Emily Bett Rickards, Lumi Pollack, and Wayne Charles Baker in the lead roles, showing the story of a girl and jaguar she adopted.

In this article, you will get information about Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide, Autumn and the Black Jaguar Age Ratings, and other details about Autumn and the Black Jaguar.

Title Autumn and the Black Jaguar
Genre Adventure, Comedy, and Family
Director Gilles de Maistre
Released date February 7, 2024
Country France, Canada
Language English
Distributor Global Film (Russia)
Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide
Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide
Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide

Autumn and the Black Jaguar Age Ratings

Autumn and the Black Jaguar is not rated but unsuitable for kids under 7.

Age Ratings are given according to the contents shown in the film as kids’ maturity level isn’t, and all take different content differently.

You must follow the age ratings as this is made for you so that you can make better decisions for your kids.

Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide

Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide will guide you about the contents shown in the film in which way.

It includes jungle scenes as Autumn was with a jaguar, and so many animals were shown, which could frighten your kid. Some people were shown with guns in the jungle, moving in groups together.

Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide will be updated soon.

Other Details

Below, we have given information on Autumn and the Black Jaguar.

What is the storyline?

It shows the story of Autumn and a Jaguar, both sharing a close bond, and how Autumn goes to the jungle to find her Jaguar with hope.

When is the release date?

Autumn and the Black Jaguar will be released on February 7, 2024, on Global Film.

Who is in the cast?

It also includes Emily Bett Rickards as Anja, Wayne Charles Baker as Oré, Amanda Ip as Flight Attendant, Letitia Brookes as NYC Airport Ground Staff Hostess, K.C. Coombsa as Mrs. Burley, and Lumi Pollack as Autumn Edison.

It has Paul Greenea as Saul Edison, Kelly Hope Taylor as Doria Dargan, Eva Avila as Ellie, and Airam Camacho as Autumn.


Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide


Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide: Autumn and the Black Jaguar is okay for kids above 7 to watch. Other Details have been mentioned above in the article.

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Autumn and the Black Jaguar
Autumn and the Black Jaguar Parents Guide 1

Director: Gilles de Maistre

Date Created: 2024-02-07 11:44

Editor's Rating:

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