The 2024 film Wolfs is an action-comedy thriller directed by Jon Watts, starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt. The plot revolves around two rival professional fixers who are forced to work together on the same case, leading to unexpected chaos.
The film premiered out of competition at the 80th Venice International Film Festival on September 1, 2024, and was released in select theaters on September 20, 2024, followed by a release on Apple TV+ on September 27, 2024.
Wolf Age Rating
The 2024 film Wolf has been rated R by the MPAA for language throughout and some violent content. This guide aims to help parents understand the potential concerns within the movie to make an informed decision about whether it’s appropriate for their children.
Wolf Parents Guide
The R rating means that the movie is restricted and viewers under 17 require an accompanying parent or adult guardian. The film contains material that may not be suitable for children due to strong language and violent content.
Language: Wolf contains frequent strong language throughout the film. Expect to hear profanities, including the F-word, used multiple times.
Violence and Gore: The film features several violent scenes. While not overly gory, the violence is depicted in a realistic manner that can be unsettling.
Sexual Content: There are no explicit sex scenes in the movie, but some suggestive dialogue and references to sexual situations are present.
Substance Use: Characters in Wolf are shown consuming alcohol, and there is an occasional depiction of drug use. These scenes are not glorified but are present in the narrative.