America's Got Talent: Who is Hayden Kristal

The deaf comedian Hayden Kristal auditioned for Season 17 of America's Got Talent (AGT) air every Tuesday at 8 pm ET on NBC. 

Hayden Kristal started signing on stage and then spoke into the mic saying she likes to start that way.

Hayden Kristal did a standup comedy on the show cracking some really funny jokes which judges seem to enjoy a lot.

Kristal came to AGT because she and her mom are longtime fans, and she has seen past comics with disabilities be “given the tools to succeed” on the show.

Kristal has been a TEDx Presenter, a Catalyst Award winner, and a Lavender Graduation commencement speaker.

Hayden was a semi-finalist of the NBC reality series ‘Stand Up NBC’ and also a finalist for ‘Full Frontal’ with Samantha Bee’s Comedy Writing Mentorship.

Hayden is also a viral social media influencer whose make quick-witted comedy and videos with their animals.

Hayden typically leads an active life, traveling across the U.S. with their animals for adventurous and exciting outdoor adventures.

Other then Hayden Kristal their were other amazing Auditions like The Brown Brothers, Blade to Blade, Jack Williams, Sara James.