The Rescue Parents Guide The Rescue is an upcoming American-British documentary film directed and co-produced by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin. It follows the Tham Luang cave rescue. The film is distributed by Greenwich Entertainment, National Geographic, Universal Pictures. However, the production companies are National Geographic Documentary Films, Ventureland, Little Monster Films, Passion Pictures. The Rescue Age […]
National Geographic
Flooded Tombs of the Nile (2021)
Flooded Tombs of The Nile Parents Guide The National Geographic documentary “Flooded Tombs of the Nile,” filmed in 2020, premieres in North America. In which Archaeologists dive into a flooded pyramid near the Nile, in search of a king’s burial that could uncover clues about the ancient kingdom of Kush. Flooded Tombs of The Nile Age […]
Growing Up Animal (2021)
Growing Up Animal Parents Guide Growing Up Animal is a documentary that is all about the story of baby animals from their time in the womb to their first steps towards the world as an individual, showing their characteristics and tenacity. It is originally a National Geographic show which is streaming on Disney+ now. Growing […]
Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog (2021)
Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog Parents Guide Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog is a TV Reality show on National Geographic staring Cesar Millan which is streaming on Disney+ this September. Millan is a New York Times best-selling author and has his own line of dog products and instructional DVDs Cesar Millan: Better Human […]
Fauci (2021)
Fauci Parents Guide Fauci is a 2021 American documentary film, directed and produced by John Hoffman and Janet Tobias. It follows the life and career of Anthony Fauci. Liz Garbus serves as an executive producer under her Story Syndicate banner. Fauci Age Rating Rated PG-13 for thematic material, some strong language, and some suggestive material. […]
Becoming Cousteau (2021)
Becoming Cousteau Parents Guide Becoming Cousteau is an upcoming American documentary film directed and co-produced by Liz Garbus. It follows the life and career of Jacques Cousteau. The film is produced by Dan Cogan, Mridu Chandra, Evan Hayes and distributed by Picturehouse. However, the production companies are Story Syndicate, ACE Content, National Geographic Documentary Films. Becoming Cousteau […]
Life Below Zero: Next Generation (TV-Series 2020-Present)
Life Below Zero Next Generation Parents Guide Life Below Zero: Next Generation (Alaska: The New Pioneers) is an American reality television series that illustrates the daily activities of subsistence hunters as they make their living in remote areas of Alaska. The series is produced by Ally Siegel and distributed by National Geographic Channel. However, the […]
Life Below Zero (TV-Series 2013-Present)
Life Below Zero Parents Guide Life Below Zero is an American documentary reality television series that illustrates the daily and seasonal activities of subsistence hunters as they make their living in remote areas of Alaska. The series is distributed by Disney+, National Geographic Channel, Polyband, Walt Disney Television. However, the production company is BBC Worldwide […]
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (2019-2021)
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Parents Guide | Explained with reason Know Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Age Rating the Television series Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted is explained here. Why Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted received this age rating? Read the complete information here. MPAA, TV rating. Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Parents Guide. Director and production An American television series, Directed by Jon Kroll. […]