Cobra Kai Parents Guide Cobra Kai is an American martial arts comedy-drama television series and a sequel to the original The Karate Kid films by Robert Mark Kamen. The series was created by Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and produced by Katrin L. Goodson, Bob Wilson. The series has had high viewership on both YouTube and Netflix. However, the series is distributed […]
Courtney Henggeler
Posted inTV Shows, Latest
Cobra Kai
The Netflix TV Series Cobra kai, was created by an American martial arts comedy-drama web television series created for Netflix by Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz, and Hayden Schlossberg. In fact, the Netflix TV Series, Cobra Kai is a Comedy, Drama, Martial arts, and Action Comedy genre TV Series produced by Hurwitz & Schlossberg Productions, Overbrook […]